Friday, April 4, 2008

Empty Nest

This is my first time "blogging". Not sure what that word means :) Sounds funny! But I love the idea of sharing thoughts, ideas, So here goes...

Scott & I have been married 24 years! We have three children, Sandon (22), Jena' (20) and Janelle (20). Scott and I are currently empty-nesters (2 weeks now). I can't believe after 20+ years of having children that now it is quiet and calm. I am home now from a busy day of training with a non-profit in Fullerton and sit here in an empty and quiet house. Peace. I can hear the birds in the back yard. There is no music blaring! The TV is off! There are no arguments to referee! There are no "friends" of the kids walking through my house and checking out my refrigerator for food and drinks! And lo and behold the house is just the way that I left it this morning! No clothes or towels left lying around on the bathroom floor.

And yet a little part of my heart is screaming, "It is too quiet!" (Just a little part of my heart)


Karen said...

I'm glad your blogging... although I dont know what it means either. So the kids are all out. Sometimes I can't wait for that day!?! But I know it will be hard. Talk to ya later

Paula said...

how fun now all of us are blogging ha ha. now all i need to learn is to link us together??? oh well maybe matt can figure it out. love your site bye for now

Kristin said...

Oh how I dream of those quiet days, every afternoon when the two older boys are at school and the younger two are asleep I get a brief couple of quiet hours and can only dream of what it will be like. Your kids are so cute, whens the wedding?

Steve said...

Empty nesters...oh hasten the day. Nah, I'll probably miss them when they're gone and have completely destroyed the house.

I blame my sisters for the blogging, but it is a nice way to keep in touch with family.

Valerie said...

Yea, you're into blogging too! Kristin emailed me your site. I'm so excited to get to know you and your family better. Come check out my family site when you get a chance. I can't believe that your kids are all grown and out of the house. I remember seeing them at Laurie's wedding and they were still little. But you probably think that of me! Keep in touch!

Laurie said...

Yeah for blogging! Enjoy the quiet while it lasts, my favorite time of day is bedtime. :) It should get pretty busy soon, don't you have a wedding coming up?

Here's a quick tutorial on how to add links to your blog:

1. Click on customize
2. Click on "Add a page element"
3. Select "Link List"
4. In a separate window, open the blog you want to link and copy the
5. Paste the copied link address into the "New Site URL," name the new site whose ever it is.
6. Name your link list under title.
7. Sort however you want to.

Easy peasy.

Probably too many steps, but I tried to spell it out.

Also, to link to our blog from comments, just click on my name, go to my profile and click on "That's what she said." See you soon!

danrdavis said...

It is great to catch up with you and your family. I'm the only one in my family who doesn't have a blog, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. I barely have enough time to read other people's blogs. I look forward to many more stories you have to tell.